Personal records
1500 - 3:39.33
Mile - 3:55.96
3000 - 7:31.57
5000 - 12:57.55

Paul Chelimo is the name.
Running is the game.
2024 Olympic ... TBD
2020 Olympic Bronze Medalist - 5,000m
2017 World Bronze Medalist- 5000m
2016 Olympic Silver Medalist - 5,000m
I was born in Iten, Kenya and moved to the United States on a running scholarship in 2010. After graduating from the University of North Carolina - Greensboro, I joined the United States Army World Class Athlete Program which allowed me to continue training full-time but more importantly, the opportunity to be a member of the United States Armed Forces. I give a lot of credit to the Army for my resilient racing tactics. I like to racefearless and have been seen on occasions to run wire-to-wire on a hard pace, solo. I am a firm believer of 'Go Hard or Suffer the Rest of Your Life'.